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Structure of taxes in India

 Dear reader here we are presenting  a  post on different types of taxes, which will be useful in your upcoming exam.

About the direct Tax :A tax that is paid directly by an individual or organization to the imposing entity.

A taxpayer pays a direct tax to a government for different purposes, including real property tax, personal property tax, income tax or taxes on assets.

Direct taxes are different from indirect taxes, where the tax is levied on one entity, such as a seller, and paid by another, such a sales tax paid by the buyer in a retail setting.

A direct tax cannot be shifted to another individual or entity. The individual or organization upon which the tax is levied is responsible for the fulfillment of the tax payment. Indirect taxes, on the other hand, can be shifted from one taxpayer to another.

Types of Direct taxes:
a) Income tax
Income tax is collected on all incomes received by private individuals after certain allowances are made. In most of the economies Income tax is a major source of Government revenue.

b) Corporation tax
This tax is levied on profits earned by companies. It is a proportional tax which is levied at the constant rate.

c) Petroleum revenue tax
It is a tax levied on the profits of companies involved in drilling of oil and gas. This tax may or may not exist in other countries.

d) Capital gains tax
Capital gains tax is charged on the profit realized on the sale of a non-inventory asset that was purchased at a lower price. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds, precious metals and property. Not all countries implement a capital gains tax and most have different rates of taxation for individuals and corporations.

e) Property Tax
Many countries have Property tax, or millage tax. It is the tax which the owner pays on the value of the property being taxed.
The taxing authority requires and/or performs an appraisal of the monetary value of the property, and tax is assessed in proportion to that value. Forms of property tax used vary between countries and jurisdictions.

f) Stamp duty
Stamp duty is a form of tax that is levied on documents relating to immovable property, stocks and shares. Apart from transfers of shares and securities, stamp duties are also charged on the issue of bearer instruments and certain transactions involving partnerships.

About the indirect Tax:
Government has to perform many functions in the discharge of its duties like infrastructure development, health, education, defense of the country, removal of poverty, maintenance of law and order, etc. To meet these requirements huge amount of capital is required.

The government collects money from public through a wide variety of sources i.e. fees, fines, surcharges and taxes.

Indirect Tax is a tax that increases the price of a good so that consumers are actually paying the tax by paying more for the products.

The Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) through the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC), an apex indirect tax authority, implements and administers excise (central excise), customs and service tax laws. Circulars, notifications and clarifications issued by the CBEC supplement these indirect tax laws.

Types of Indirect taxes:

a) Service Tax
Service providers in India are subject to service tax, which is charged on the aggregate amount received by the service provider. Services like leasing, internet/voice, transport, etc are subject to service tax.

b) Custom Duty
Custom duties are indirect taxes which are levied on goods imported to/exported from India. There are different rules for different types of goods and sectors. Government keeps on changing these rates so as to promote import/export of specific goods.

c) Excise Duty
Excise duties are indirect taxes which are levied on goods manufactured in India for domestic consumption. Like custom duty, there are a number of rules which keep on changing as per government discretion.

d) Sales Tax and VAT
Sales tax is levied by the government on sale and purchase of products in Indian market. As customers, whatever you buy from the market, you pay sales tax on it. Now, sales tax is supplemented with new Value Added Tax so as to make it uniform across country.

e) Security Transaction Tax (STT)
STT is levied on transactions (sale/purchase) done through the stock exchanges. STT is applicable on purchase or sale of various financial products like stocks, derivatives, mutual funds etc.

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